Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
Release Date: 20 Dec, 2010
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28 in stock
RRP: $4.99
Our price: $1.50

Update 14

Latest updates:

- Higher quality pre-rendered cut-scenes

- Fixes to camera inversion and targeting during real-time cut-scenes

- A few new 'HD' character models

- audio quality improved

- sound effects from Munch's Oddysee HD added

- brightness adjusted on first boot to better match Xbox version

- video player now uses the original 4:3 aspect ratio

About the Game

New port for 2016

We've reported the game for 2016, which now runs at 60 FPS, includes higher resolution textures, better quality cut-scenes, improved audio, higher poly models, numerous fixes and improvements, and trading cards, badges, emotes and backgrounds!

About the game

Players guide Mudokon champion Abe, and his aquatic Gabbit partner Munch, in Oddworld's third adventure, using special psychic powers, cool power-ups, and other special abilities to deliver payback as they reclaim the last gabbit eggs on Oddworld, which have been packaged in a can of gabbiar.

Key features:

  • Play as a team - players use Munch and Abe cooperatively to make their way through the trials of Oddworld. Leverage both characters' unique strengths:
  • Abe- Abe can climb and jump to reach new areas, and then run to escape from dangerous enemies. When all else fails, chant to take control of the enemy's soul, and use their guns to clear a path to safety.
  • Munch - Munch can swim around the new realms of Oddworld. When on the ground, zip along with a wheelchair power up. Need to move some yapping Slogs out of the way? Just use Munch's nifty remote control head port to fire up the crane and drop those Sloggies in their pen.
  • Special psychic powers - Munch and Abe's psychic powers can extend their reach and get others to do the dirty work:
  • As Abe - Let Abe's chant roar to take possession of a gun-toting Big Bro Slig and clear almost anything out of the way. Abe can use spooce or spiritual power gained by harvesting SpooceShrubs to posses other creatures as well, but why think small?
  • As Munch - If Abe can't mesmerize someone into getting the job done, Munch can use his handy remote control head port to hijack nearby machines including cranes, and 50-caliber Anesthesia bots to tackle the really tough obstacles.
  • Power-Ups – Every friendly character you can find becomes a fighting ally, Fuzzles, Mudokons…. Need to get somewhere quickly or get over a wall, like right now? Use Oddworld's consumer power-ups like Expresso and Bounce to amp up Munch and Abe's abilities to perform cool moves. For the more direct approach, possess high-caliber weapon toting enemies.
  • Oddworld, now in "new and improved 3D!" - it's a whole new Oddworld, with lush rivers, towering mountains and hundreds of trees that bloom or die.
  • Interact with dozens of different oddball races - use GameSpeak® to get Oddworld's Inhabitants from the heavily armed Big Bro Sligs to the cute but ferocious Fuzzles) to carry out tricky tasks or just beat the crap out of enemies.
  • "Frustration Free" gaming - Oddworld's new intelligent cinematic camera, auto-targeting system and no-stick navigation system makes playing a breeze! Plus with easy
  • QuikSave® and limitless lives, players have plenty of chances to take on any situation…
    no matter how Odd!


  • OS: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core2 +
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Graphics: nVidia Geforce 6600 128MB
  • DirectX®: DX9
  • Hard Drive: 3.8 GB
  • Sound: DirectX®9
Grab the first Spooce in the game.
Leave the Cave.
Leave the Cave.
Exit Raisin's Cave.
Spooced Out
Spooced Out
Beat Spooce-Shrub Forest
Fuzzle Test Success!
Fuzzle Test Success!
Beat Fuzzle Test
Vat'll do it!
Vat'll do it!
Beat the Hydroponic Vats
Fluoride Tanks
Fluoride Tanks
Complete the level
Don't snooze on the job
Don't snooze on the job
Complete the level
Very Spoocey!
Very Spoocey!
Collect 250 (un-regenerated) Spooces
Only blood is drawn from these pens...
Only blood is drawn from these pens...
Beat the Mudokon Pens
Too much death for my liking...
Too much death for my liking...
Beat the Sloghut 1027
Super Spoocey!
Super Spoocey!
Collect 600 (un-regenerated) Spooces
Escape the Fortress
Escape the Fortress
Escape the Fortress
Sloghut Survivor
Sloghut Survivor
Beat Sloghut 2813
Beat the Paramite Run
Meep Harder
Meep Harder
Beat the Meep Herder Village
Not Mine
Not Mine
Touch zero mines in Flouride Tanks
Brewer's Yeesh
Brewer's Yeesh
Beat Brewery to Be
All Fueled Up
All Fueled Up
Beat the Fuel Fields
Driven Crazy
Driven Crazy
Beat Magog Motors
Cry me a River
Cry me a River
Beat Dead River
A Muddy Escape
A Muddy Escape
Beat No Muds Land
A bittersweet reunion?
A bittersweet reunion?
Get all the Mudokons in the level accounted for (before they end up getting slaughtered by sligs).
Annoying Boils
Annoying Boils
Beat the Boiler Room
Lulu will be pleased
Lulu will be pleased
Beat Splinterz Manufacturing
Reserved Row
Reserved Row
Beat Reservoir Row
I don't want no Scrubs...
I don't want no Scrubs...
Beat Flub Fuel's Scrub Pens
The shareholders will be unhappy
The shareholders will be unhappy
Beat the Flubo Executive Office
Ultra Spoocey!
Ultra Spoocey!
Collect 1250 (un-regenerated) Spooces
Done with Docking
Done with Docking
Beat The Loading Dock
Beat Vykker Suites (and the game!)
Great Egg-scape
Great Egg-scape
Beat Labor Egg Storage
Zen and the art of wheelchair maintenance
Zen and the art of wheelchair maintenance
Beat the game with 80%-99% Quarma
Riding High
Riding High
Beat the game with 100% Quarma
Archers at Dawn
Archers at Dawn
Get 8 Mudarchers in Dead River
We're Freeeeeee!
We're Freeeeeee!
Rescue all the Mudokons in the game
Wheelie Selfish
Wheelie Selfish
Finish level 23 with less than 1%-79% Quarma
A Peaceful Death
A Peaceful Death
Kill the Big Bro in his sleep in Splinterz Manufacturing
Finish level 23 with 0% Quarma
The winners!
The winners!
The Face
The Face
Abe And Munch
Abe And Munch
Scrab attack!
Scrab attack!

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