Bioware Wants to Make More Mass Effect Games
Just when you think the Mass Effect series is out, Bioware says that they're not quite done with the franchise and hope to make more games in the series.In an interview with Polygon, Mark Darrah, the executive producer Anthem and the Dragon Age series, says that Bioware is "definitely not done with Mass Effect." There’s a lot of stories to be told," Darrah told the website. "We could pull on the threads we put down with Andromeda; we could pull on threads from Mass Effect 3. There’s a lot of interesting space to be explored."Casey Hudson, the executive producer of the

Rhyfel's Comprehensive List of Life Changing Games
Don't worry this is not the typical "Top 100" list. Think of it more like a suggestion list of awesome games more than anything, this is a list of some of the games I have played over the many years, which I believe are detrimental to a thorough experience of what gaming truly has to offer. It includes titles from nearly every genre that have all provided gamers with unique experiences unparalleled at the time or since.These are not all the games I played, these are not all the necessary games either as I am sure I missed plenty. But these

Snake's News - BIG Catch-up Thingy
Oh, don't look at this post like that. I am lazy and not motivated, that's all. But at least I have SOME sense of responsibility, so here we go.HARRY POTTER COMES BACK TO VIDEO GAMESBut it's only as a part of LEGO Dimensions, so no game dedicated solely to young wizard's adventures. So expect Skylanders-like distribution of things and partially-interesting things.BATMAN: RETURN TO ARKHAM COMPARISIONGame's coming out on October 21st, we're getting a comparision trailer now. Everything seems to look better...except Joker himself. THe hell happened, Rocksteady?DAWN OF WAR 3 GAMEPLAY!Are you ready to take care of all the heresy in

Another great review, Lily.
March 08, 2025 -
This is really well written Green, welcome to the team.
March 04, 2025 -
Great job, green.
March 04, 2025 -
I might give this game a go!
It definitely sounds like my type of horror game.
Thank you Lily for your review. I wasn't sure if I should give it a try but I think I might enjoy it.
March 02, 2025 -
I have looked into this game before and I was curious to know what people thought of it.
The concept sounds interesting but clearly the outcome was not the best.
Thank you so much Green for your review! Hopefully the developers will publish more titles with similar themes but where they work more on the world instead of focusing only on the main character and main story.
From your review, it sounds like the game might be OK if you want a quick game with not much to explore, but maybe not for the price given... I don't think I would pay that much for 2 hours of content for something that does not seem to offer much replayability.
Great review, Green!
March 02, 2025 -
Thank you Drarry!!
January 22, 2025 -
Nicely done, Lily. Fantastic first article.
January 22, 2025 -
Thank you.
December 07, 2024