Narrate like a Dragon: Yakuza 0
Disclaimer This is not a review of Yakuza 0, it’s supposed to be an article I wrote for one of my classes about how Yakuza 0 tells its story. If you want that then…. say noodles in the comments to give me a signal.Introduction: The video game industry is one of the most profitable yet youngest forms of entertainment.16 It is capable of utilizing any other art from that came before it ranging from painting all the way to including digital animation while adding its own flavor to the mix. There are many genres of

The 5 Best Video Game Soundtracks
Video games can be great for any number of reasons. But few things can elevate a game quite as much as a terrific soundtrack. Great music can turn an otherwise ordinary game into an unforgettable experience. Likewise, a strong soundtrack can turn a great game into a true classic.With this in mind, we gave some thought to our picks for some of the very best game soundtracks of all time….5. Street Fighter IIWe’ll get to some more sophisticated soundtracks further down this list. But if we’re talking about the best of all time, it’s hard to ignore Street Fighter II. This

Avorion Review
If your favourite thing about playing with LEGOs was constructing complex, functional monstrosities with which to take over the universe, Avorion is the perfect game for you. And if you didn’t do that, you should have, and Avorion is still the perfect game for you.A tinkerer’s dream, Avorion sets you loose in a vast, procedurally generated galaxy where you’ll have to mine resources to build your ship, sell resources to arm yourself, and hunt pirates for better loot as you make your way towards the centre of the galaxy. This promises to take months of my life and they’re months I’ll

Can RPGs Help You During The Covid-19 Pandemic?
Gather round...In the past few months, the sale of board games and tabletop games has rocketed by a staggering 240%. People are at home with more leisure time to spend on hobbies, and families in particular are turning to old-fashioned pursuits. Video gaming has also rocketed during the lockdown period by 75%. Roleplaying games (RPGs) have been particularly popular, plunging the gamer into new fantastical worlds. They are not only fantastic entertainment, they can also have a positive effect on your health and wellbeing.Dungeons and DragonsA study by Dr. Raffael Boccamazzo of the non-profit charity Take This found that Dungeons and

Hunters Arena: Legends Early Impressions
Hunter’s Arena: Legends is technically a MOBA game. I was expecting more of a PUBG or Fortnite style entry to the Arena. The game started off at a safe base location where players are gathered while waiting for other players in the Arena. While waiting, players can buy some equipment including weapons, armors, and accessories.Once the game begins, the players are let through the gates where they start at Level 1. Hunter’s Arena: Legends has mobs that are at different levels and are provided with some initial skill points to start off with a couple of skills. Once players kill mobs and gather experience, they can level up