Articles with games tag

Divinity Original Sin 2 Review

Divinity 2 could very well be one of my favorite RPGs of all time. I played DOS1 prior to DOS2's launch and can say that while there are huge differences in the games DOS2 still adds so much to the table that you gotta appreciate it.DOS2 is a classic RPG, heavy on the story and dialogue with an immense character interaction between everything allowing the player to experience the story in several different perspectives as well as different smaller stories and side quests. On top of having a very cool combat system, turn based, and rewarding the player with tons of


Coming Soon 10/2017

The tenth month is not really buffed up with titles, but it brings us some of the most interesting games of this gaming year.The wave of virtual entertainment that started last month continues in the next thirty days. There are even several games that could represent candidates for the game of the year, and there will also be several potential hits in their genres. What we expect in October is written below, I hope you will find something to go bankrupt for.PC GAMES03. 10. Forza Motorsport 7 03. 10. Battle Chasers: Nightwar 04. 10. EMPYRE: Lords of the Sea Gates 04.


Cuphead's Controversial Review

Everyone knows what this game is so let's get down to brass tacks.Artstyle.Done in perfect 1930's cartoon style, the game features one of the most impressive, adorable and timeless visuals of all time, it's truly worth it to simply watch it as a cartoon, it also seemingly implements new UI elements into it for the game itself.Gameplay.The game features 3 types of gameplay, Run' N' Gun' as your typical sidescrolling platformer shooter such as Megaman, a bullet hell Shoot Em Up with everything to dodge in your little airplane, and the Contracts where you take individually unique fights against a multitude


Exclusive Interview with Lead Developer of Scorn

Recently I had the opportunity to speak with, Ljubomir Peklar of EBB software, about the upcoming new game Scorn. For those who are not aware of the game, here is the most recent trailer ( ) It has a very unique setting for the game as you can see. I was excited when I first had seen something about the game and wanted to find out more about it. Amazingly I was able to ask some questions about the game, these are those questions. 1. First and for most I suppose would be, 'About how long would part 1 be?'


Sonic Mania Review

Out of the way, the blue Hedgehog came back, in all it's pixely goodness.If you haven't played Sonic games this is a perfect time to give them a shot, and if you have played them you are likely not even reading this article, and are probably playing Sonic Mania right now.Sonic Mania is everything a Sonic fan would want starting with the fact that it's a new 2D adventure after roughly 23 years since the release of Sonic & Knuckles (1994). Sonic has always been around with different variants of the genre, things like Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic Collection, Spinball