Articles with borderlands tag

The History of Gearbox & How Their Games Began

Gearbox Software was founded in 1999 by Randy Pitchford, Brian Martel, Stephen Bahl, Landon Montgomery and Rob Heironimus, all former developers of the cringingly-named studio “Rebel Boat Rocker”, a studio that never managed to release a single game. Before this, core members of the group worked for studios such as 3D Realms and Bethesda Softworks.Gearbox’s first few projects might come as a surprise to some, being a mostly unproven studio without a single game to their name up to this point outside of their early efforts in well-established studios (which might be what got them the gig). Developing official expansions and


Rhyfel's Comprehensive List of Life Changing Games

Don't worry this is not the typical "Top 100" list. Think of it more like a suggestion list of awesome games more than anything, this is a list of some of the games I have played over the many years, which I believe are detrimental to a thorough experience of what gaming truly has to offer. It includes titles from nearly every genre that have all provided gamers with unique experiences unparalleled at the time or since.These are not all the games I played, these are not all the necessary games either as I am sure I missed plenty. But these