Articles with action tag

DeTechtive 2112 Review

As the title refers, DeTechtive 2112 is dragging us into a cyberpunk theme, set approximately one hundred years in the future. With the intro, the game portrays a society similiar to George Orwell's novel "1984". Offering a unique ambiance and some dark secrets you will discover along the way. If you are someone who likes isometric arcade especially those that combine themes such as futuristic cyberpunk, detective, noir and finally little bit of bullet hell as a spice, then you might want to check this title. In this article, I will try to give you some insight into what you expect


Hangry Review

Rear-mounted rockets roar to life, the cerulean flames erupting- licking at the sides of the rust-flecked hauler. It was a simple van, white with a blue skirt trim. On the sides of the van was a large logo, familiar to many:Goutras’ DinerLarge azure fingers gripped the wheel of the van making it look comedically small- paling in comparison. With a small sputter, the vehicle took flight; despite it’s aged appearance, it had always been reliable. Behind the wheel, sat Hangry. The towering blue-fanged beast looked uncomfortable wedged in the small seat, shifting his arm uncomfortably to reach out and re-adjust the


Starship Troopers: Extermination Review

Welcome to the RoughnecksWould YOU Like to Know More?Bugs, bugs, and more damn bugs.That's what this game's about—or more precisely, the stomping of such scourge.This is a 16 player COOP venture into monster infested lands, both conquest and defense of territory.The process is simple, queue up, join a squad, and prepare for the madness.Build, protect, conquer.There are 4 main classes to choose from, and many missions to undertake for the glory of humanity.But the core of the game is wave based defense of an expandable and upgradable base.  Many comparisons could and are often drawn between this title and that of Helldivers,


Kill Knight Review

Of Blood and Flesh...Once a loyal knight, betrayed, and banished to the Abyss. A desecrated corpse inside reanimated armor. You rise to an eternal death. Branded KILL KNIGHT, you have one purpose - KILL THE LAST ANGEL.It doesn't get simpler than this.You are a knight. You kill. Do you really need anything else?Anything beyond the abyss is inconsequential. Your purpose is here and now.         Where many games stumble and fall, this game stands up and delivers.Where others adorn themselves in placations and decorations, it remains unfettered.You won't find insane graphics here, nor cosmetics, nor dull filler.Your purpose is clearKill. 


Scarlet Tower Review

A bead of sweat slowly trickles down wind-stung cheeks. A damp trail cuts through the layers of dirt coating your face, leaving a streaky trail in its wake. Moist earth compacts: pine needles, grass, and weeds, bits of bark pressed deep underfoot. Forging ahead, your lithe fingers wrap firmly around the hilt of your sword. Only a fool would sheathe their weapon now. Not in this darkness. Not in this forest. Not on this journey. In the darkness, the crimson smears across your blade glint in the moonlight-you’ve not had time to take proper care. No time to rest. A snapping