Our Top Tips to Survival in Sea of Thieves
Ahoy mateys!Sea of Thieves finally made its way to Steam recently and as a result the game has received a surge of new players and people returning to the game. A few of us in OP started sailing the seas together earlier in the month and it’s fair to say the game is not known for holding your hand or pointing out what to do and how best to do it. The tutorial is a short and sweet quest that teaches you the bare boned basics.The game can comfortably be described as easy to learn and hard to master, on the

Google Unveils Stadia, the Gaming System Without the Console
Google is giving Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony a run for their money. The most powerful Internet search company in the world is forcing its way into the gaming industry with its introduction of Stadia, a streaming service that allows you to stream games on any device that has Google's name on it. The best part is you don't have to shell out extra money on a console.Google is betting on the video game industry with its greatest gaming innovation yet: Stadia.Introduced at the Game Developers Conference Tuesday, Stadia is a streaming service that will work across all devices so long as

Konami Anniversary Collections Coming This Year
Konami is bringing three anniversary collections to all modern platforms this spring and summer. The first will be an arcade collection, featuring 80s arcade classics such as Gradius and Salamander etc. The second and third will bring eight games from the much loved Castlevania and Contra series.In celebration of Konami's 50th anniversary, the company has decided to put forth three retro-collections of games. All three compilations will be due out this spring/summer for the PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and PC.Arcade CollectionThe first collection is an eight-game package that includes nostalgic goodness from their 80s arcade days. The collection is comprised mostly

E3 The Conferences - Microsoft Xbox
So here it is. Microsoft's Project Scorpio is officially The Xbox One X. Boasting true 4k resolutions, or super sampling if you do not own a 4k television yet, this liquid cooled beast of a console will be released November 7th for $499.Backwards compatibility was addressed for both the new and existing consoles. The Xbox One X will be fully compatible with all existing Xbox One titles, offering a power boost to boot. But the Xbox One was not left behind. Original Xbox titles are in the works with Crimson Skies being name dropped.But, what about games. Microsoft outdid themselves this

OP News - 09/04/2017 Edition
Microsoft's Scorpio Specifications RevealedMicrosoft has kept its promise and delivered the most powerful games console in history, edging out the PS4 Pro, with Eurogamer's Digital Foundry leading the reveal. Here's the technical bit.In regard of games, Microsoft has said, as the Scorpio is part of the Xbox family, all compatible titles with the Xbox One will work with the Scorpio and there will be no Scorpio exclusives (but VR exclusives are possible).The price is currently guessed at $499 but is unconfirmed at this time.Gearbox Make (and Break) Controversial PartnershipIt was revealed, earlier this week, that Gearbox had partnered with G2A to