10 Oculus Quest 2 Game Reviews - Part 1
If you're a regular reader here at Opium Pulses, you might remember a few series of game reviews we did following the release of the Oculus Quest, we reviewed a total of 70 games for the platform and intended to keep going! For this episode, we saved up some of our most anticipated titles to kick us off.Now that the Oculus Quest 2 has been out for a few months we figured we'd pick one up ourselves and review games played exclusively on the new headset. Everything we review in this series will be played and tested on our brand new

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It's Monday and oh god I hate my life, everything hurts...even the life itself. Yep, it's Monday.COMIC-CON TRAILERS!A shitload of them. No need for description - just watch.Well, that's it for trailers. Also, the editor I'm using for writing news in here started lagging bad. Let's keep the rest of news short.FRACTURED BUT WHOLE - BEHIND THE SCENESIn this video Matt and Trey tell us a bit about alternative title that didn't make it and how the game evolved since The Stick of Truth.MARVEL: ULTIMATE ALLIANCE GETS REMASTEREDBoth games are getting remastered, to be precise. They'll come out tomorrow have improved

10 Iconic Female Video Game Characters
Femme Fatale has always looked good on pixels. Be it sex appeal or just outright badassery, these video game women has made huge waves in the gaming community. Faith, Mirror's EdgeMirror’s Edge is on top as one of the best games I have ever played in my life, and Faith plays a big role for all that acclaim. Athletic to the core and possessing a hatred towards the corrupt government, Faith is the ultimate definition of female badassery. While experiencing the adrenaline of parkouring above the buildings of Mirror’s Edge, Faith’s physical strength makes you forget you’re not controlling a male character.

I have never heard of "Gah!" before but it sounds like my kind of game!
Thank you the review, Green!
For someone who quite likes Roguelite games and dying over and over, like myself, this sounds quite fun and unique with some of the features you have described. This is one for my wishlist!
March 31, 2025 -
Another great review, Lily.
March 08, 2025 -
This is really well written Green, welcome to the team.
March 04, 2025 -
Great job, green.
March 04, 2025 -
I might give this game a go!
It definitely sounds like my type of horror game.
Thank you Lily for your review. I wasn't sure if I should give it a try but I think I might enjoy it.
March 02, 2025 -
I have looked into this game before and I was curious to know what people thought of it.
The concept sounds interesting but clearly the outcome was not the best.
Thank you so much Green for your review! Hopefully the developers will publish more titles with similar themes but where they work more on the world instead of focusing only on the main character and main story.
From your review, it sounds like the game might be OK if you want a quick game with not much to explore, but maybe not for the price given... I don't think I would pay that much for 2 hours of content for something that does not seem to offer much replayability.
Great review, Green!
March 02, 2025 -
Thank you Drarry!!
January 22, 2025 -
Nicely done, Lily. Fantastic first article.
January 22, 2025