Articles with Super Mario tag

How Game Design Can Be Your Friend

From Dark Souls to Ninja Gaiden, from Overwatch to Rocket League, from Shovel Knight to Super Mario. Every game has it's traps, it's secrets, difficulties and intuitive aspects.What makes a game "Well Designed"? How is Game Design responsible for a game being Difficult or Easy? What causes players to stonewall for hours against a boss, or defeat an area on their first run?I believe the best way to put it simply is to describe Game Design as 2 opposing forces. One side is always trying to challenge the player, while the other always trying to help the player. Let's take a


Snake's News - BIG Catch-up Thingy

Oh, don't look at this post like that. I am lazy and not motivated, that's all. But at least I have SOME sense of responsibility, so here we go.HARRY POTTER COMES BACK TO VIDEO GAMESBut it's only as a part of LEGO Dimensions, so no game dedicated solely to young wizard's adventures. So expect Skylanders-like distribution of things and partially-interesting things.BATMAN: RETURN TO ARKHAM COMPARISIONGame's coming out on October 21st, we're getting a comparision trailer now. Everything seems to look better...except Joker himself. THe hell happened, Rocksteady?DAWN OF WAR 3 GAMEPLAY!Are you ready to take care of all the heresy in