Articles with Strategy tag

Trulon: The Shadow Engine Review

Few words about the gameTrulon: The Shadow Engine is an amazing RPG game that mixes up a few styles of gameplay, creating quite a unique combination of RPG, steampunk and fantasy elements. Using a card based combat system, which can be customized any way you want thanks to a diversity of cards you can obtain after fights, your goal is to save the kingdom from unknown disease.AdvantagesAn awesome art style of all the characters and surroundingsSoundtrack fits perfectly, doesn't matter if you're walking around casually or fighting a group of enemies, there's always a great song in the backgroundWriting of dialogues


My Tower, My Home Review

Few words about the gameMy Tower, My Home is a nicely done combination of a tower defence game with a 2D shooter. It's a very dynamic game where enemies come from every direction to destroy the core of your tower and your goal is to defend it using multiple strategies with a ton of perks you can choose from. Try to survive few waves and don't die too quickly ;)AdvantagesA huge variety of mods, upgrades and skills to choose fromVery nice and minimalistic graphicsCo-op mode for 2 local playersGame is quite challenging, as after some waves of enemies it slowly becomes


Foresight Review

Few words about the gameForesight is a real-time strategy game, where you can lead your fleets into an epic battles in space. You're playing as a leading commander with a mission to recruit other commanders, expand your fleets, support observation bases, lead reconnaissance or just launch bombing on your enemy. It's up to you how you will manage your resources, but remember that not always bigger equals better - think about what you're doing in order to succeed!Advantages- Pleasant background music and sounds- Nicely written dialogues- Awesome artwork in cutscenes, makes pretty good wallpapers material- Story feels interesting enough to pay


Fort Triumph Review

Do you miss the good old Heroes of Might and Magic as much as I do? Or maybe you've played XCOM recently, and you're looking for more of its combat style? Then that's the best one you can find today! Fort Triumph is a bit of a mix between both mentioned games, being a classy strategy game with world exploration and RPG elements, in a weird way adding the specific XCOM combat style, it creates a pretty refreshing approach to the style. Need to warn you though, I'm not much of a hothead with this type of games, so some stuff


The Waylanders (Early access) Review

What is The Waylanders? Do you like Dragon age games? Do you like Celtic mythology? Do you like tactical combat?Making him look more pretty!The Story: “The first meeting between the Celts and their gods, the Tuatha de Danaan should have been a time of celebration and enlightenment. But, when the negotiations go catastrophically wrong, you find yourself near death- and untethered from time! The land has been overtaken by magickal corruptions, and the kingdom, once peaceful, has splintered into multiple factions warring for the throne. The Celtic culture- a complex tapestry of different religions, cultures, mortal and immortal human races, werewolves, druids, goblins,

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