E3 The Conferences - Ubisoft
A Ubisoft E3 press conference without Aisha Tyler hosting, can it work? What made the Ubisoft conference stand out in the past become a by the numbers reveal show. But were the games reveals any good?A strong start, with Yves Guillemot and Shigeru Miyamoto sharing the stage to show off Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. A tactical RPG for the Nintendo Switch releasing on the 29th August.Assassin's Creed: Origins got another trailer with a gameplay feature promised after the conference. No further information than had already been provided during Microsoft's conference was forthcoming.South Park: The Fractured But Whole, The Crew 2,

South Park - The Fractured But (not so) Whole
South Park - The Fractured But WholeAs promised, a new article for the released & played South Park - The Fractured But Whole.Well, not so much released and played as intentionally planned AND promised. I actually planned to write kind of a review about the game, my personal experiences and about what you can expect in the game AFTER(!) I played it.Chances are quite there that this is never going to happen. Or at least very late.Who knows?!We can only speculate about what's really the reason or the reasons behind the procrastination of the final release, but for sure it's not only pissing

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Censorship
RESPECT MA AUTHORITAAAAAAAAH!The second part of South Park will be released soon and I can not tell how much I'm up for that!As a fan of the first game and of the series itself it's going to be an early christmas for me this year.Are you just as excited as me? Well then let's get into business!Fist bumps bros!South Park has always been sarcastic and sometimes certainly below the belt. Yes, South Park is provocative, disgusting and obscene.But exactly this is the spice that made the show this successful and great!Bad tongues argued that there was a time I hated the

Snake's News - The Gamescom Report Part Deux!
More trailers.THE CREW: CALLING ALL UNITSWe Hot Pursuit now.STEEP: THE MOUNTAIN IS YOURSA worthy replacement for SSX series.WATCH_DOGS 2 ONLINE MULTIPLAYER TRAILERYOOKA-LAYLEE EXISTS AND IS BETTER THAN CONKER + BANJO COMBINEDAnd I'm sitting here waiting for preorders.SOUTH PARK: FRACTURED BUT WHOLE TRAILERTasteless jokes included.CHAMPIONS OF ANTERIAA 2-hour long demo is available on UPlay right now.GHOST RECON: WILDLANDS - HOW TO CUSTOMIZE YOUR THINGSMake your own atrocity today!GROW UPNo, I'm not telling YOU to grow up, manchild. Sequel to Grow Home got its share of trailers as well.FOR HONOR: FACTIONS TRAILERSamurai, knights, and other freaks. And a gameplay.METAL GEAR SURVIVEAt 0:15 you

Snake's News - Butts, Comics, and Walkers
It's Monday and oh god I hate my life, everything hurts...even the life itself. Yep, it's Monday.COMIC-CON TRAILERS!A shitload of them. No need for description - just watch.Well, that's it for trailers. Also, the editor I'm using for writing news in here started lagging bad. Let's keep the rest of news short.FRACTURED BUT WHOLE - BEHIND THE SCENESIn this video Matt and Trey tell us a bit about alternative title that didn't make it and how the game evolved since The Stick of Truth.MARVEL: ULTIMATE ALLIANCE GETS REMASTEREDBoth games are getting remastered, to be precise. They'll come out tomorrow have improved