Articles with Singleplayer tag

Radio Commander Review

Radio CommanderThis is my first ever review! I better pull out all the stops to make it a smashing one at that! so let's begin shall we?Description;Radio Commander is a Tactical, Military wargame based in the age of the Vietnam war era. In my own words, the basis of the game, is that you are a military commander, in control of a certain amount of units on a battlefield, in which you have to control manually, quoting from the Official Radio Commander website, link can be found at the bottom of this Review."Radio Commander is a strategy game based on one


Tangle Tower review

Tangle Tower is a point & click puzzle adventure game featuring Detective Grimoire. For the second time on Steam, Grimoire needs to investigate a murder but this time he’s helped by his partner Sally Spears. They get to visit a very strange mansion where 2 families live, with most of the occupants hiding their secrets, related or not to the death of Freya Fellow.I appreciated that instead of following Grimoire’s thoughts, we get to follow conversations between him and Sally. Dialogues between the detectives were probably my favorite part of Tangle Tower because they’re funnier than most of the dialogues with


Hare In The Hat Review

Few words about the gameReally great Point and Click game, full of puzzles and brain-teasers with pleasant soundtrack in the background. Your goal as a player is to solve a bunch of puzzles placed around the room to free a hare that is being kept by a magician. Personally I didn't play any puzzle game in a looong time, and it brought back so many memories from childhood that I just want to play more puzzles, riddles and adventure games like this one :DAdvantagesSounds and music is good and on pointPuzzles are fun to solve, and they're not too hard, what


A Story About My Uncle Review

Few words about the gameExciting and lovely game about exploring a new, unknown world full of beautiful and thrilling views. All you have is a grappling hook and a quest to find your lost uncle. At first, I wasn't sure about this game because let's face it, what game, with this kind of description, might offer us? Apparently A LOT more than you think, as on me, it left a huge impression. One of the best, prettiest adventure games around, 100% worth it.AdvantagesWorld is full of colourful and magnificent graphics, what makes it exceptionally atmosphericCharming characters models and nice concept of


Drizzlepath: Genie Review

Few words about the gameStarting off with a game description itself. Drizzlepath: Genie is a game where you are playing as Lula, a girl from a village that lived quite a normal life until a wizard appeared in her dreams and told her to find a Genie. As you walk and explore one of the paths you have chosen, you have the opportunity to listen to an amazing story and be part of a mysterious adventure.AdvantagesThe story is really beautiful, written almost like a poem. It tells a tale of a girl we are playing as, of her past and past