Articles with Singleplayer tag

DeTechtive 2112 Review

As the title refers, DeTechtive 2112 is dragging us into a cyberpunk theme, set approximately one hundred years in the future. With the intro, the game portrays a society similiar to George Orwell's novel "1984". Offering a unique ambiance and some dark secrets you will discover along the way. If you are someone who likes isometric arcade especially those that combine themes such as futuristic cyberpunk, detective, noir and finally little bit of bullet hell as a spice, then you might want to check this title. In this article, I will try to give you some insight into what you expect


Age of Darkness: Final Stand Review

White hot embers crackled and popped, bursting to the air. The fire was large and comfortable, but there was little glee to be found here. Men sat, helmets tucked between weary knees. Most sat in silence, some spoke in hushed whispers- voices barely rising above the scraping of tin against tin as they ate the meager nightly rations. Morale was wavering. The sky, sprinkled with diamonds gave no comfort- it was tainted- cursed with an eerie viridescent glow, infernal tongues nipping and writhing towards the sky. It was unnatural- the tell-tale sign of the Nightmares soon to come, to swarm the


Fountains Review

The thick rustle and snap of wool was deafening upon your rapidly unexpected descent. Down…down...down…down...You land with an unceremonious thud, a fluster of dust clamoring to the air at your sudden arrival, the specks flickering in the glaring sunlight that poured from the mouth of the craggy hollow above. Every bone in your body aches, ribs sore with each laborious breath. Even long after the sound of footsteps, hushed voices and clanking of armor fade, you are slow to rise. Groaning, you pull yourself to your feet, fingers rolling across your stinging palms as you dislodge debris of stone and bone:


Mutation Review

Authors Note: I was absolutely delighted to be informed that the developer was kind enough to take the time to read my article. Additionally, he was kind enough to clarify some areas where I needed to correct some facts, and gave some further understanding. The article below has been updated to reflect this. Of note, while published under the Ossified name, this was the passion project of one person (who has been accurately credited below) over the course of a year. During that time he made no profit off Mutation, entirely self funding.I  would like to take the time to thank the


Striving for Light Review

Striving For Light is a unique Survivors-style hand-drawn rogue-like hack and slash with a twist, both developed and published by Igniting Spark Games that is currently in Early Access. Playing as one of the8 available characters (after some unlocks, of course), take on a slew of hand-drawn environments and enemies. Invest in an ever growing and evolving skill tree, and modify it as you see fit, and tweak and upgrade your weapons. You can specialize you character with powerful abilities at specific levels, further deepening the character building elements often absent in other similar titles. Asan immense fan of these sort