Wrecked Crash Simulator Review
Developer & Publisher: TAS SystemsDestruction!What is Wrecked Destruction Simulator? If you like causing crashes and planning them out then this is the game for you.Scene selection!The Story: There is not story for this game just make your own car crash simulation and watch the flames.The Graphics on Ultra!What is Wrecked Destruction Simulator but more in depth? Wrecked Destruction Simulator is a game that allows you to make the accidents how you want them to happen like on a motor way or on a casual road and gives you the tools to do that.Vehicles selection!The Mechanics: The mechanics of Wrecked Destruction Simulator is to

Tropico 6 Review
Holding onto power isn’t easy. As El Presidente of a remote island nation, Tropico 6 asks you to oversee your nation’s economy, military, and tourism board. While managing the needs of an ever-growing population is complicated, keeping everyone happy is even harder.As a nearly all-powerful ruler, you determine your country’s layout, dictating the location of businesses, public transportation routes, and the kinds of crops grown at each plantation. As you build, your nation slowly marches through the decades, and each era introduces better technology. Researching blueprints for new buildings and tourist traps is a good carrot on a stick that keeps

Hardware Engineers Review
Publisher & Developer: Green127 What is Hardware engineers? If you could own your own computer shop and repair/build computers.Fixing a computerThe story: There is no story just here is a shop good luck and make money.Inspecting components to make sure they are all fine.What is Hardware engineers but more in depth? Hardware engineers is a simulation game that you have to manage an IT business in a ever growing world of tech.Skill treeThe mechanics: In Hardware engineers you create your own character and set what difficulty to play like easy,medium or hard, when you have done that you are thrown into a small shop

Simulator, Simulator. Simulate my Simulation!
Simulators Simulator It already feels like there’s been those simulators like forever. Police, Airplane, Firefighter, Farmers, Garbage Disposal, Street Cleaner, etc. etc. There are way too many to count them all, but what is the deal with that? Well, I don’t have a freaking clue.Even though they have always been so full of bugs and have been so unbelievably bad, they’re still so incredibly successful.I can not explain this phenomenon, but know there must be something in our DNA that loves to simulate things. (Simulate, not fake!)Maybe it’s just the thrill of being a pilot, the fascinating danger of patrolling the streets and

Another great review, Lily.
March 08, 2025 -
This is really well written Green, welcome to the team.
March 04, 2025 -
Great job, green.
March 04, 2025 -
I might give this game a go!
It definitely sounds like my type of horror game.
Thank you Lily for your review. I wasn't sure if I should give it a try but I think I might enjoy it.
March 02, 2025 -
I have looked into this game before and I was curious to know what people thought of it.
The concept sounds interesting but clearly the outcome was not the best.
Thank you so much Green for your review! Hopefully the developers will publish more titles with similar themes but where they work more on the world instead of focusing only on the main character and main story.
From your review, it sounds like the game might be OK if you want a quick game with not much to explore, but maybe not for the price given... I don't think I would pay that much for 2 hours of content for something that does not seem to offer much replayability.
Great review, Green!
March 02, 2025 -
Thank you Drarry!!
January 22, 2025 -
Nicely done, Lily. Fantastic first article.
January 22, 2025 -
Thank you.
December 07, 2024