Articles with Sea of Thieves tag

Our Top Tips to Survival in Sea of Thieves

Ahoy mateys!Sea of Thieves finally made its way to Steam recently and as a result the game has received a surge of new players and people returning to the game. A few of us in OP started sailing the seas together earlier in the month and it’s fair to say the game is not known for holding your hand or pointing out what to do and how best to do it. The tutorial is a short and sweet quest that teaches you the bare boned basics.The game can comfortably be described as easy to learn and hard to master, on the


Pirate game Sea of ​​Thieves will be able to run on low end pc

Co-operative pirate adventure Sea of Thieves on PC will bring players some visual display options we're not used to seeing right now in this age.Microsoft's exclusive Sea of Thieves next year will shine on a PC with 4K resolution and 60 frames per second. But the Rare development team has some unexpected news for those who do not have a 4K screen and can't even run 60 fps on YouTube. Sea of Thieves will be especially configurable for very weak computer configurations, in other words, you can probably run it on your grandma's PC (if for some reason your grandma owns