Age of Darkness: Final Stand Review
White hot embers crackled and popped, bursting to the air. The fire was large and comfortable, but there was little glee to be found here. Men sat, helmets tucked between weary knees. Most sat in silence, some spoke in hushed whispers- voices barely rising above the scraping of tin against tin as they ate the meager nightly rations. Morale was wavering. The sky, sprinkled with diamonds gave no comfort- it was tainted- cursed with an eerie viridescent glow, infernal tongues nipping and writhing towards the sky. It was unnatural- the tell-tale sign of the Nightmares soon to come, to swarm the

War Mongrels Review
War Mongrels ReviewDescriptionDo you enjoy a good mix of tactical elements, adventure, and stealth, all tightly packed into a dark, fascinating story? We felt it was a rhetorical question, so that’s the experience we’ve crafted ;)Try different tactics in each mission. Distract the enemies or drop parts of destroyed buildings on their heads. The interactive environment opens up many tactical options for you to explore.War Mongrels is a top down, strategy based game set in the era of World War 2 around the Eastern front in 1944.Developed by DESTRUCTIVE GAMES, they have set their eyes on focusing attention to an area

Radio Commander Review
Radio CommanderThis is my first ever review! I better pull out all the stops to make it a smashing one at that! so let's begin shall we?Description;Radio Commander is a Tactical, Military wargame based in the age of the Vietnam war era. In my own words, the basis of the game, is that you are a military commander, in control of a certain amount of units on a battlefield, in which you have to control manually, quoting from the Official Radio Commander website, link can be found at the bottom of this Review."Radio Commander is a strategy game based on one

Frozenheim Review
At its core, Frozenheim is a city builder. The game focuses heavily on resource management with real-time tactical combat sprinkled in between.Frozenheim will of course draw immediate comparisons to Valheim, but there are some core differences between the two viking games. Firstly, you’ll notice much higher fidelity when it comes to the graphics in Frozenheim. It looks visually appealing and has a high level of detail when it comes to graphics and animations.Next is the emphasis on expanding a settlement to a thriving city. Frozenheim leans more heavily on growing one location vs having many smaller villages in Valheim.What I find most

Foresight Review
Few words about the gameForesight is a real-time strategy game, where you can lead your fleets into an epic battles in space. You're playing as a leading commander with a mission to recruit other commanders, expand your fleets, support observation bases, lead reconnaissance or just launch bombing on your enemy. It's up to you how you will manage your resources, but remember that not always bigger equals better - think about what you're doing in order to succeed!Advantages- Pleasant background music and sounds- Nicely written dialogues- Awesome artwork in cutscenes, makes pretty good wallpapers material- Story feels interesting enough to pay