Funko Fusion - The one true investment
Funko Fusion - MAJOR UPDATEQuality of Life Update #1 - Less Hard, Faster, Better, StrongerFunko Fusion - The one true investmentYes, you read that right.There IS such a thing as a good investment in the name of Funko!Now before you scoff and label me a box-hoarding speculator with questionable sanity, allow me to explain further.It has functional value!Many had given up hope, many had shed tears, but at last,the Funko brand has spread it's wings, and left the dusty closet of sunken costs damning it's most avid collectors.Forget about tacky and thoughtless cash grabs, the days of Snowman Captain America Funko

Kaku: Ancient Seal Review
You groan, awakening in a quiet icy cave, the only sound the slow drip of snow melting from the suns direct rays. How did you even end up here? There was… a strange flying….was it a pig you were chasing? No, nooooooo- it couldn’t be. Pigs don’t fly, or have ears THAT big. What WAS real, however, was the VERY large, VERY angry boar who had chased you a good half mile, if not more- ultimately leading to your current situation after an "unfortunate misstep".With a grunt, you pull yourself up. Looking around the cave, glimmering with ice and snow, the hole in the cave ceiling

Wandersong Game Review
Searching for a Stress Reliever?Some days, all you crave after a hard day of work is a relaxing game where you can sing, dance, and use your musical abilities to defend a cozy little village from the ghosts that haunt the villagers’ houses. If this sounds delightful, then I offer Wandersong for your consideration. I tried this short, charming game looking for something unique, hoping it would satisfy that craving of something a bit more relaxing than my default genre. Here, I’ll share my initial impressions of the first part of my journey as the humble bard trying to save the

Transmogrify Review
Monsters are running rampant through the lab and you as a janitor are only armed with a mop… and a transmogrify gun that turns monsters into puzzle solutions. Transmogrify is a sci-fi puzzle platformer by Odyssey Entertainment, where you transform alien creatures into platforms and other useful tools that will allow you to escape the infested facility.One small puzzle for a slime...The transmogrify gun is rather a device than a weapon. You cannot kill the monsters, only transform them into an object for a limited time. In the first few levels, there will be mostly slimes that transform into a cube,

The Entropy Centre Review
The Entropy Centre.DescriptionThink in reverse. Outsmart the impossible. A mind-bending first-person adventure where you solve ingenious and complex puzzles by rewinding objects through time.Awakening from what seems like an endless slumber, you arrive at the Entropy station, lost and confused you play as Aria, an upstart junior puzzle operative. Awakened by the sound of a TV, you progress through 15 mind-bending challenges and use some of that fine brain power that you have to complete each stage.Think in reverse as you bend and manipulate objects to perform a specific set of actions, make a couple of unexpected friends, and find out what