Warhammer 40000: Mechanicus Review
There have been more and more games released in recent years based onGames Workshop’s Warhammer 40,000 universe, which is certainly harder for non-fans to digest than the much more easy-to-swallow orcs and dwarves and heroes of 40K’s fantasy counterpart. Anything featuring Space Marines would be relatively simple to get your head around, but the rank and file soldiers of this universe are the least interesting aspect. Games likeWarhammer 40K: Inquisitor – Martyrfocus instead on the less flashy elements, and Warhammer 40000: Mechanicus from Bulwark Studios does the same.The Adeptus Mechanicus are the tech-worshipping space wizards of this particular universe, a mix

Party Hard 2 Review
Welcome and enjoy my review of Everyone's Temptation, or so called Party Hard 2 ! For everyone who skipped on the fun that Party Hard by tinyBuild provided us few years back, it's a stealthy party slasher where we play the role of an 'Average Joe' that is sick of his repetitive, boring life and annoyed by everyone around. So, he does what we all would do - picks up a knife and goes crazy on a party! Jumping into to the second installment of the title, we come back the story of a guy going rampage on Party Killings. It might not be an incredibly

How to Improve the Quality of Your Streams
Video game streaming has turned into a massively successful mode of entertainment. Earlier this year, pro streamer Ninja got paid somewhere between $20-30 million to start streaming on Mixer instead of popular streaming site Twitch. Indeed, streaming has quickly progressed over the years as more and more people continue to push the boundaries to provide quality entertainment. If you're a streamer then you will want to put on as good a show as possible. However, if you're just starting out you may not know how to do this. This is why we've put together some tips for you to help you

Our Top Tips to Survival in Sea of Thieves
Ahoy mateys!Sea of Thieves finally made its way to Steam recently and as a result the game has received a surge of new players and people returning to the game. A few of us in OP started sailing the seas together earlier in the month and it’s fair to say the game is not known for holding your hand or pointing out what to do and how best to do it. The tutorial is a short and sweet quest that teaches you the bare boned basics.The game can comfortably be described as easy to learn and hard to master, on the

Avorion Review
If your favourite thing about playing with LEGOs was constructing complex, functional monstrosities with which to take over the universe, Avorion is the perfect game for you. And if you didn’t do that, you should have, and Avorion is still the perfect game for you.A tinkerer’s dream, Avorion sets you loose in a vast, procedurally generated galaxy where you’ll have to mine resources to build your ship, sell resources to arm yourself, and hunt pirates for better loot as you make your way towards the centre of the galaxy. This promises to take months of my life and they’re months I’ll