Google Unveils Stadia, the Gaming System Without the Console
Google is giving Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony a run for their money. The most powerful Internet search company in the world is forcing its way into the gaming industry with its introduction of Stadia, a streaming service that allows you to stream games on any device that has Google's name on it. The best part is you don't have to shell out extra money on a console.Google is betting on the video game industry with its greatest gaming innovation yet: Stadia.Introduced at the Game Developers Conference Tuesday, Stadia is a streaming service that will work across all devices so long as

Konami Anniversary Collections Coming This Year
Konami is bringing three anniversary collections to all modern platforms this spring and summer. The first will be an arcade collection, featuring 80s arcade classics such as Gradius and Salamander etc. The second and third will bring eight games from the much loved Castlevania and Contra series.In celebration of Konami's 50th anniversary, the company has decided to put forth three retro-collections of games. All three compilations will be due out this spring/summer for the PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and PC.Arcade CollectionThe first collection is an eight-game package that includes nostalgic goodness from their 80s arcade days. The collection is comprised mostly

To Hell With Hell Review
Before I start, there’s something it should say: To Hell With Hell is not an easy game. You will die, you will die again, you may even die some more. But if you’re anything like me, you will also grin as your gooey remains litter the floor!Right away, this indie game gets into high gear. Asmodius: the ruler of hell – your father – has been trapped by his enemies. And like any good child, you are going to go there and do what it takes to help. Which, in this case, is using guns, melee weapons, and anything else you

What We Learned About MCC on PC From 343 Industries’ AMA
Today we got a lot more details from Halo developer 343 Industries about what we can expect in Halo: The Master Chief Collection when it releases on PC later this year. Taking questions from Reddit users, community manager Brian Jarrard answered them diligently. If you want all the details on Forge, dedicated servers, and mod support, read on.343 Studios, the developers behind Halo: The Master Chief Collection, had its community manager, Brian “Ske7ch” Jarrard, answer questions on Reddit today regarding last week’s announcement that the game is heading to PC and getting Halo: Reach added to it. You can always read

Animal Super Squad
I've been a PewDiePie (Felix Kjellberg) fan since too long and he has been advertising this game ever since it got released so I was thinking, why is he advertising this game and how is he involved?. After doing some researches I figured that he had a big part which are the idea,funding and the creative and big-picture game design parts as mentioned in Reddit. No wonder that this game is very similar to Happy Wheels because PewDiePie is a big fan of that game.So to begin with, Animal Super Squad is a physics-based adventure game that lets you play as