Articles with Metroidvania tag

Lost Ruins Review

Lost Ruins is Altari Games’ first project, successfully backed on Kickstarter in September of 2020. It is a different, unique game, combining different styles and mechanics and that alone is why I appreciated it so much. It is not perfect, and you probably need to be more than a casual gamer to fully appreciate it. When you start a new game, you’re welcomed with the wisest words I’ve seen in a long time: “Those interested in enjoying the story with minimal obstacles are encouraged to try the Accessible difficulty.” Looks like I missed that part, because I started my game at


The Guise Review

The Guise, a game that is sure to delight the senses at almost every turn, but not necessarily your thumbs. In the game you take control of Ogden who is one of several orphans living under the roof of a caretaker, Mallory, who seems to have more to her than she lets on. After a fateful incident involving a mask that many will find familiar; Ogden loses his human body as he is turned into a monster. He is then tasked by Mallory to seek a shaman in order to regain his humanity.With this new body, Ogden is able to perform