Plight of the Zombie Review
Few words about the gamePlight of the Zombie - the only game where you control zombies, and you actually get sad when they die. And they die a lot, as you need to sacrifice some of them to pass levels. Afterlife is brutal... But thanks to them, you can have at least few hours of fun playing it. Your goal is to collect as many "braainz" as you can in each level to be able to pass to another section of the game, full of new rules and puzzles. If this is not enough for you, worry not! Collecting brains gives

Drizzlepath: Genie Review
Few words about the gameStarting off with a game description itself. Drizzlepath: Genie is a game where you are playing as Lula, a girl from a village that lived quite a normal life until a wizard appeared in her dreams and told her to find a Genie. As you walk and explore one of the paths you have chosen, you have the opportunity to listen to an amazing story and be part of a mysterious adventure.AdvantagesThe story is really beautiful, written almost like a poem. It tells a tale of a girl we are playing as, of her past and past

Astro Duel Review
Few words about the gameAstro Duel is something that everyone among the gaming community loves to see - new ideas created from something we know. I'm literally amazed about how people can create something innovative, even basing on a game like Asteroids. The game itself is awesome. I had to try it out against bots first, and it was quite fun. Then I played it against my gf, and she said that it was one of her best times we had together. Well then... ANYWAY, let's get to reviewing.AdvantagesGame offers you a bunch of different arenas to play on, 3 match

Botology Review
Few words about the gameBotology is a game where... I'm not even sure what's going on as it's explained with twisted and badly translated English. The intro tries to explain bits of backstory, but it's hard to catch up even there. When you get into a proper game finally, you just go forward, without any clear instructions, just walk and hope you'll get somewhere. Once you get a gun and some kind of objective... oh boy, that's where the fun begins. By fun, I mean grind at every corner. Literally. One of the most repetitive games I have seen in a

Big Fish Legend Mini-Review
Few words about the gameBig Fish Legend is a pretty fun adventure game with puzzle and platformer elements, perfect for kids or just for a quick, evening ride with something to relax your brain. You're in control of a kitty on a quest to find a legendary fish, going through lots of different levels.AdvantagesCute and simple designNice background music, well suited to the game overallPretty long and not that much repetitivePerfect to introduce young gamers into gaming worldEasy controlsIt was $7 a while ago, but it was swapped to Free-To-Play scheme, which is an extra advantage to check the game out!DisadvantagesGame

I have never heard of "Gah!" before but it sounds like my kind of game!
Thank you the review, Green!
For someone who quite likes Roguelite games and dying over and over, like myself, this sounds quite fun and unique with some of the features you have described. This is one for my wishlist!
March 31, 2025 -
Another great review, Lily.
March 08, 2025 -
This is really well written Green, welcome to the team.
March 04, 2025 -
Great job, green.
March 04, 2025 -
I might give this game a go!
It definitely sounds like my type of horror game.
Thank you Lily for your review. I wasn't sure if I should give it a try but I think I might enjoy it.
March 02, 2025 -
I have looked into this game before and I was curious to know what people thought of it.
The concept sounds interesting but clearly the outcome was not the best.
Thank you so much Green for your review! Hopefully the developers will publish more titles with similar themes but where they work more on the world instead of focusing only on the main character and main story.
From your review, it sounds like the game might be OK if you want a quick game with not much to explore, but maybe not for the price given... I don't think I would pay that much for 2 hours of content for something that does not seem to offer much replayability.
Great review, Green!
March 02, 2025 -
Thank you Drarry!!
January 22, 2025 -
Nicely done, Lily. Fantastic first article.
January 22, 2025