Articles with Google tag

Which Budget VR Headset Should I Buy?

Planet Earth has seen many births and deaths of Virtual Reality, from the Sensorama in the 1950s, The Sword of Damocles in the 1960s, the VideoPlace in the 1970s, the Virtual Cockpit in the 1980s, the Nintendo Virtual Boy in the 1990s, Google’s Street View in the 2000s and then the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive devices that began emerging from 2010.It’s fair to argue that this incarnation of Virtual Reality has survived the longest, and although not growing at the pace many predicted, it has lasted nearly an entire decade with new technology and software being released daily. Many would


Google Unveils Stadia, the Gaming System Without the Console

Google is giving Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony a run for their money. The most powerful Internet search company in the world is forcing its way into the gaming industry with its introduction of Stadia, a streaming service that allows you to stream games on any device that has Google's name on it. The best part is you don't have to shell out extra money on a console.Google is betting on the video game industry with its greatest gaming innovation yet: Stadia.Introduced at the Game Developers Conference Tuesday, Stadia is a streaming service that will work across all devices so long as