Flotsam Review
Flotsam Developed by Pajama Llama Games and Published by KongregateI want to start off this review by stating that this game is Early Access on Steam. While some people don’t like playing early access games because they don’t want to deal with little content that is buggy, which is understandable, I have also played games that were past the early stages and just buggy as hell. Now to dive into Flotsam which if you didn’t know Flotsam means debris that is floating around, pretty great name for a floating garbage town survival game.Let me tell you about the graphics because honestly,

Conan Exiles Review
Conan Exiles debuted back in 2017, and by all accounts was a severely troubled product. It shipped with a substantial number of bugs, glitches, and was horribly optimized as well. Is it any different now? Yes.Funcom surprised just about everyone by releasing a steady stream of bug fixes, patches, and free content updates, as well as cosmetic DLC packs over time. The free content included new biomes that were added to the map; such as a vast swamp, frigid arctic wasteland, lush forested area, and highly volatile volcanic zone. However, perhaps the most monumental addition that the developers added was a new

Sin Slayers Review
Some of the greatest indie games of all time are just magical, taking the best parts of multiple genres and combining them into something wholly new yet entirely familiar. Sin Slayers, sadly, isn’t one of these games.‘RPG roguelike’ is the label Sin Slayers has given itself, while simultaneously mistaking what makes each genre gel together so effectively. RPGs layer complex systems upon systems, creating excitement through versatile approaches allowed by deep customisation. Roguelikes cut through these systems with added risks like permadeath and procedural generation, making moment-to-moment choices more impactful.The RPG elements of Sin Slayers are mediocre at best. You control

We Happy Few - Lightbearer DLC Review
Reception to We Happy Few may have mixed upon release, but patched after launch, anyone that likes a good story would be wise to pick it up. But, we're not here to talk about the base game, we're here to talk about the DLC Lightbearer.A short story playable separately to We Happy Few‘s main campaign, Lightbearer places players in the shoes of Nick Lightbearer, Wellington Wells’ favourite rock star. Awakening from yet another night filled with sex, drugs and rock and roll, Nick is mortified when he finds some ominous lyrics scrawled on a piece of paper. Plus, he’s also covered

Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China Review
Introduction:Flying Tigers: Shadows over China is an arcade dog fighting game set during WWII in China, Burma and India. The game is based on a group named the “Flying Tigers”, who were a group of US pilots battling China throughout the Second World War. The operations that you are tasked with throughout the campaign, follow the experiences of real operations that took place in WW2. The game mainly has 2 factions which are the Allies and the Japanese, however period you can only play/control the allies within the main campaign. Although in other game modes such as arcade you have an