Articles with First-Person tag

Plasma Review

More than a game to play, Plasma is an engineering sandbox for you to tinker with. It gives you the tools to create your own gadgets and program them to do various things.The tutorial exists in the form of its own world, complete with several pre-constructed gadgets, including some obvious signs instructing you on the basic commands to navigate, interact, build, and program. True to its sandbox nature, the game allows you to play with the elements of the tutorial in any order you like, or you can ignore it completely and leave the world to create your own project right


Inout Review

Dim the lights and put on your headphones - it's time to go exorcising!As a member of a team of exorcists, your job is to clear a haunted house of the evil possessing it. The task is simple—gather all of the required items and perform an exorcism to abolish the evil permeating the house. Since the items in question are directly related to the haunting, this means you'll need to gain entry into the house as well as do your best to avoid any possessed inhabitants actively trying to kill you.In the first (and currently only) map, this involves chasing after


PowerWash Simulator Review

Out of all the most pointless and annoyingly conflicting games, PowerWash Simulator may be the one that will get you addicted. Turning a real-life chore into a proper game, this is a nightmare come to life for anyone suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, and potentially a way to trigger your inner cleanliness fixation as well. Without going any deeper into controversial areas, the wish to restore the overly disgusting locations in this game to their former glory is something that may mess with the psyche in ways that some players may not be expecting.So SatisfactoryPossibly designed with the satisfactory and the ASMR