Articles with Diablo 3 tag

The Long History of Diablo Console Ports

Blizzard Entertainment has always been known as a relatively PC-focused game publisher, defining genres such as Real-Time Strategy with Warcraft and Starcraft and Action-RPGs with Diablo. And while back in the day they released StarCraft on the Nintendo 64 and Warcraft II on the Sony Playstation (among a few other small titles), the majority of their big titles have been focused on PC.However, every mainline Diablo game from its debut in 1997 to the most recent title in 2023, has at some point or another received a console port. From cancelled handheld ports, to feature-exclusive versions, to subjectively better ways to


The Trap of Lastability

Every gamer wants games to never end, trust me developers want you to play games for ever as well, but different games can vary in playtime wildly from 4 or 9 hours in a story or atmospheric game such as Wolfenstein 2 or Dishonored to 60 or 700 or nearly Infinite with games like Divinity 2 and Payday 2 and Overwatch. With such a huge difference it's sometimes easy to see how games go about their replayability and the length of their games, and while some games do not need any replay value other games have difficulty finding ways to elongate


Can Too Much Hype Kill a Good Game's Reputation?

Hyped games is a sore subject right now after the release of No Man's Sky, a game universally agreed to be over hyped… but is it a bad game? That's hard to tell right now and is something we'll have to judge for ourselves after the dust has settled. Instead, let's take the time to view how it has affected other games in the past. Although I do have my own opinion (both good and bad) on the games mentioned in this article, I'll be sticking closely to the subject... Does too much hype and bad reviews that come as a