Articles with Crash Bandicoot tag

Retro Dose #10 - Crash Bandicoot Series (Part 3)

The third and last part of our return to the past with Crash Bandicoot series we will remind you of two very successful spin-offs that came out for PS1 console.As a dessert to end our last Retro dose dealing with Crash Bandicoot series focuses on two games that do not have a strong link with this platformer series in the form of story, but serves more as a party game intended for co-op and competitive fun. The first of which we speak is Naughty Dog's last contact with Crash Bandicoot, Crash Team Racing , and the other is Crash Bash ,


Retro Dose #10 - Crash Bandicoot Series (Part 2)

In yesterday's Retro Dose, we brought you a brief look at the very idea behind the life and work of Crash Bandicoot, and now we present the original Naughty Dogs Crash Bandicoot trilogy. Did you play it?How did you like yesterdays Retro Dose? You can expect more today because we are directly recalling the original Naughty Dogs Crash Bandicoot trilogy specificities within a particular title, the protagonist and antagonist and entertainment that the titles provided us.The first title we are talking about today is the original Crash Bandicoot  from 1996 on which we have addressed the development process in the past


Retro Dose #10 - Crash Bandicoot Series (Part 1)

So, since this is the 10th part of our Retro Dose series - I decided to do something special, write a trilogy about Crash Bandicoot games - one of the most beloved video game characters of all time. We begin with the roots of the series and the making of his snippy protagonist - Crash.Is there anyone that owned the first PlayStation, and that he did not have at least one game in which the main star was Crash Bandicoot? Even if we assume that there is one person out there who didn't, it is still a good thing to remind