Articles with Adventure tag

IKO 39 Review

IKO 39DescriptionIKO 39 is an adventure sci-fi detective. Find out what happened at the station, which had lost contact with the Earth. Emie – the artificial intelligence of the station – will help you to solve the mystery. Space station IKO based on one of colonized planets has gone silent.Casey should find the cause of the failure.As soon as she arrives on the planet, she realizes that this is hardly the main problem of the colonists.Since her spaceship is malfunctioning too, Casey doesn’t have an opportunity to seek help from Earth.From now Casey is to find a way out from this difficult


Tangle Tower review

Tangle Tower is a point & click puzzle adventure game featuring Detective Grimoire. For the second time on Steam, Grimoire needs to investigate a murder but this time he’s helped by his partner Sally Spears. They get to visit a very strange mansion where 2 families live, with most of the occupants hiding their secrets, related or not to the death of Freya Fellow.I appreciated that instead of following Grimoire’s thoughts, we get to follow conversations between him and Sally. Dialogues between the detectives were probably my favorite part of Tangle Tower because they’re funnier than most of the dialogues with


Lost Ruins Review

Lost Ruins is Altari Games’ first project, successfully backed on Kickstarter in September of 2020. It is a different, unique game, combining different styles and mechanics and that alone is why I appreciated it so much. It is not perfect, and you probably need to be more than a casual gamer to fully appreciate it. When you start a new game, you’re welcomed with the wisest words I’ve seen in a long time: “Those interested in enjoying the story with minimal obstacles are encouraged to try the Accessible difficulty.” Looks like I missed that part, because I started my game at


Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons Review

Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons is an experiment on the potential of controllers servicing as a unique and refreshing gameplay experience as well as the testament of trust towards the players’ intelligence in understanding semiotics by confidently telling a story without an understandable language, verbal or written, all soaking in a beautifully crafted art style. On the SurfaceIt is an adventure game with beautiful scenery filled fully on the screen without a single distraction from the UI (or the lack thereof) all the way from the menu till the credits roll. It is certainly eye-candy wherever you look. Knowing this,


Rune II Decapitation Edition Review

Rune II is a Viking third person adventure game, where your goal as the chosen warrior is to save Midgard by fighting all sorts of creatures, beasts and warriors to gain strength and resources needed to whoop Loki ass. Other than that, it's basically not much more than a hyped disappointment and a great example why old gems should be left untouched and moved on from.The first instalment of the series (yeah, you guessed it - Rune) was released back in 2001 and was not continued for 19 years. Initially it was picked up by the original developers, but even they decided