
Pacify Review

Publisher:SKH AppsDeveloper: Shawn HitchcockWhat is Pacify? From the creature of “Emily Wants to Play” comes a even scarier game!The Basement!The story: You just signed on with PAH Inc. Paranormal Activity Helpers Incorporated, yeah sounds corny, but the pay is great. They said you won't ever be in any real danger, and they have tons of work right now. Your first job is at some old haunted house. There is a broker wanting to put the house for sale, but with everyone in the town spreading rumours of evil living inside the house, he needs some proof that it is safe. He actually


Bully Beatdown Review

Publisher & Developer: Almighty games.What is Bully Beatdown? A classic 2D beat-em-up but you beat up bullies. The Main MenuThe story: In Bully Beatdown you play as a kid called “Fat Kid” who is trying to ask “skool girl” to prom but the cool kids like jocks, nerds and rich kid keep telling him he has no chance and calling him fat so “Fat kid” goes on a rampage and kills them.Some of the story!What is Bully Beatdown but more in depth? Bully Beatdown is a 2D beat-em-up with comic book style of telling you the story of “Fat kid”.Killing the bullys!The Mechanics: In Bully


Mortal Kombat 11 Review

The long running franchise comes back, bigger and better than ever with one of the deepest systems to date, a robust story mode and more, but is it all good? Let's find out! Beautiful KombatRight off the bat let's mention, Mortal Kombat 11 takes the series to new heights with it's amazing visuals and backdrops that put even the last game in the series, Mortal Kombat X to shame. The update in quality for characters is staggering, clothing and armor have great detail to them and are made to pop with the game's new lighting and more saturated color palette in


Forager Review

Before we start I just gotta say something, I actually 100% the game, but before I started playing it I didn't think I would like it. This game is the best example of "Don't judge the book by its cover"So, I started playing Forager, not expecting much. It looked like small, if not ambitious exploration of the survival-lite genre, one that places more on making money and purchasing upgrades and expansions rather than surviving in a hardened world. Within twenty minutes I knew that assumption was nowhere near large enough to encompass just how much joy I was getting out of


Satisfactory - Early Access Review

Ever feel extra productive, yet you're completely tired? Wanna do something nice, create something useful, yet you don't even want to get up from your chair? Then Satisfactory is your perfect shot. Latest title from the Coffee Stain Studios, Swedish developer team with short games list so far, such as Sanctum and Goat Simulator. But if you would wish for another weird, fun thanks to its bugs game like the Goat Simulator, I'm sorry to disappoint you. Satisfactory is still in Early Access stage, but even right after showing up for public it was a HUGE step for the developer. It's full

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