
Road To Guangdong Review

What is Road to Guangdong? Do you like driving? do you like story? Do you like repairing and filling up your old car?Where to go first?The Story: The story is about you driving to long lost relatives getting recipes for the restaurant you get in inherited in ba ba will while going on long drives to ask if they are ok with you taking the restaurant over and the restaurant is not in the best state.Talking to Guu Ma!What is Road to Guangdong but more in depth? Road to Guangdong is a indie driving simulator which main focus is story and driving


The Sojourn Review

What is The Sojourn? Do you like puzzles? Do you like switching puzzles? Do you like puzzles that challenge you?The start of my adventures!The Story: The story is told in statues that appear but the story can be a bit confusing some times.Completing puzzles to unlock the door!What is The Sojourn but more in depth? The Sojourn is a puzzle game that as you complete these puzzles you can see little bit more of the story if you can understand what’s happening in the statues.The temple being built as i get closer!The Graphics of The Sojourn: The graphics are simple 3D


Receiver 2 Review

What is Receiver 2? Do you like shooting? Do you like seeing your gun jam? Do you like having full control of your gun then shooting your self because you forgot put it on safety?Reloading my dirty harry!The Story: The story is learning about the Threat which is collecting cassette tapes and becoming an awake receiverFelt cute so i took a mirror selfie!What is Receiver 2 but more in depth? Receiver 2 is a game about guns and how to handle a gun like how to cock it, how to reload it and even fixing it if it jams the idea of


Hunters Arena: Legends Early Impressions

Hunter’s Arena: Legends is technically a MOBA game. I was expecting more of a PUBG or Fortnite style entry to the Arena. The game started off at a safe base location where players are gathered while waiting for other players in the Arena. While waiting, players can buy some equipment including weapons, armors, and accessories.Once the game begins, the players are let through the gates where they start at Level 1. Hunter’s Arena: Legends has mobs that are at different levels and are provided with some initial skill points to start off with a couple of skills. Once players kill mobs and gather experience, they can level up


Dreadborne Drifters Review

What is Deadborne Drifters? Do you like 2D Gore? Do you like looter shooters? Do you like being a badass?The Hub!The Story: There is no story but if you count killing heretics and mutants a story then it is.Killing time!What Deadborne Drifters but more in depth? Deadborne Drifters is a looter shooter but not 3d and the only way to get new stuff either completing 3 quests to get a chest or doing quests for more gear.My gear!The Graphics of Deadborne Drifters: The graphics of Deadborne Drifters is 2d arcade style which gives it some charm.Close to death!The Mechanics: the mechanics of Deadborne

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