Hangry Review
Rear-mounted rockets roar to life, the cerulean flames erupting- licking at the sides of the rust-flecked hauler. It was a simple van, white with a blue skirt trim. On the sides of the van was a large logo, familiar to many:Goutras’ DinerLarge azure fingers gripped the wheel of the van making it look comedically small- paling in comparison. With a small sputter, the vehicle took flight; despite it’s aged appearance, it had always been reliable. Behind the wheel, sat Hangry. The towering blue-fanged beast looked uncomfortable wedged in the small seat, shifting his arm uncomfortably to reach out and re-adjust the

The Lies We Tell Ourselves Review
THE PAST CAN HURT. YOU CAN EITHER RUN FROM IT, OR LEARN FROM IT. The Lies We Tell Ourselves is a first person, narrative driven, psychological horror game created by solo developer Poopsy. Available now on Steam is the first of three planned stand alone chapters. This game is not going to be for everyone. There will be players who love it, players who don’t get it and hate it, and players who fall somewhere in the middle. I was in the latter group for a good portion of the 3 hours it took me to complete the game, but my mind

Afterplace Review
Game Title: AfterplaceDeveloper & Publisher: Evan KiceRelease date: July 23, 2024 - SteamOS: Windows, iOS, SteamOS + LinuxPlatform: SteamPrice: $14.99/€14.99“Made by one person, an open world adventure game filled with silly characters and terrible secrets. Explore the woods, find hidden paths, hack and slash through strange monsters, and try very, very hard not to break reality. Or don't. You do you.”What Is It The Steam description pretty much says it all. It is a single player, open world adventure game developed and published by Evan Kice, who may or may not have quit his job to pursue what can only be described as a labor of

Age of Darkness: Final Stand Review
White hot embers crackled and popped, bursting to the air. The fire was large and comfortable, but there was little glee to be found here. Men sat, helmets tucked between weary knees. Most sat in silence, some spoke in hushed whispers- voices barely rising above the scraping of tin against tin as they ate the meager nightly rations. Morale was wavering. The sky, sprinkled with diamonds gave no comfort- it was tainted- cursed with an eerie viridescent glow, infernal tongues nipping and writhing towards the sky. It was unnatural- the tell-tale sign of the Nightmares soon to come, to swarm the

Fountains Review
The thick rustle and snap of wool was deafening upon your rapidly unexpected descent. Down…down...down…down...You land with an unceremonious thud, a fluster of dust clamoring to the air at your sudden arrival, the specks flickering in the glaring sunlight that poured from the mouth of the craggy hollow above. Every bone in your body aches, ribs sore with each laborious breath. Even long after the sound of footsteps, hushed voices and clanking of armor fade, you are slow to rise. Groaning, you pull yourself to your feet, fingers rolling across your stinging palms as you dislodge debris of stone and bone: