
MeMic Review

MeMic is an atmospheric stealth game both developed and published by OnlineKingdom, where you play as a Mimic. Slink amongst the common rabble that is pesky adventurers as you do what mimics do best- kill anyone who gets close enough for you to wrap your grubby black tendrils around. While this may in fact be just about every TTRPG fans wildest dreams come true (and I sure as heck know it was one of mine), I was really curious on how things would be carried out, from both a game play and graphical perspective. Executing such concept might seem relatively simplistic-


DeathOmen Review

 DeathOmen is a new first person psychological horror game by Brazilian indie developer Jeff Winner, and publisher CreativeForge Games. I received a key for the demo, and after a few minutes of playing I was thinking “meh”. But then a slow dread started to sink in, and suddenly something happened that I haven’t experienced in a long time - a jump scare actually caused me to jump! There are some issues here including a shallow story and some uninspired gameplay, but a good horror atmosphere wasn’t one of them.YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO CAREFULThe game takes place within a small house.


DeTechtive 2112 Review

As the title refers, DeTechtive 2112 is dragging us into a cyberpunk theme, set approximately one hundred years in the future. With the intro, the game portrays a society similiar to George Orwell's novel "1984". Offering a unique ambiance and some dark secrets you will discover along the way. If you are someone who likes isometric arcade especially those that combine themes such as futuristic cyberpunk, detective, noir and finally little bit of bullet hell as a spice, then you might want to check this title. In this article, I will try to give you some insight into what you expect


Nemezis: Mysterious Journey III Review

Nemezis: Mysterious Journey III is the third game in the Mysterious Journey game series developed by Polish developers, Detalion Games.Detalion, their original name, started making games in 1999 with "Reah: Face the Unknown", their second game being the 1st of the mysterious Journey series in 2001, using their own made V-Cruise Engine. The 2nd in the series was in 2003 and in 2005 they stopped developing under that name after just 6 games but some members teamed up with City Interactive to work on other things. 16 years later in 2021, some of them got back together and released this game


NYXI Hyperion 2 Review

Having mostly experience with PC, Xbox, and PlayStation platforms in recent years, we have only started experimenting more with the trusty Nintendo Switch more recently.We always found the default Joycons too basic and not exactly comfortable for extended periods. Of course, there have been options, both first and third-party almost as soon as the console was released back in 2017 - but it never quite felt right to me that you'd buy a new console and immediately need to purchase a new controller, especially when I consider the Switch primary a handheld device, which almost always come with the controls properly