The thick rustle and snap of wool was deafening upon your rapidly unexpected descent.
You land with an unceremonious thud, a fluster of dust clamoring to the air at your sudden arrival, the specks flickering in the glaring sunlight that poured from the mouth of the craggy hollow above. Every bone in your body aches, ribs sore with each laborious breath. Even long after the sound of footsteps, hushed voices and clanking of armor fade, you are slow to rise. Groaning, you pull yourself to your feet, fingers rolling across your stinging palms as you dislodge debris of stone and bone: The hint of copper teasing at your nostrils and the glance of warmth on your fingertips confirms you broke your fall well enough- but at a price.
Squinting into the darkness, you look around at the surrounding walls: cold wet stone, crudely shapen- the small time-worn ravines of trickling water telling. The only apparent sign of life is the moss running along the cracks and ridges, somewhat stunted, struggling to thrive with the limited light. Amidst the streams of faintest illumination, a glimmer catches your eye- the most feeble of reflections off of a worn and weary short sword, grasped firmly in the hand of one of the… previous “inhabitants”. Prying the ill-gotten blade free of its calcified clutches, you adjust the hood of your cloak and turn to face the darkness, thick and heavy like the finest of inks.
Trudging forward into the darkness, leather soles echo like soft whispers. Yet so silent were these blatant prison walls, you fear it may very well wake the dead. A few more gentle footfalls, and you stop- not only at the muffled sound of voices in the distance, but at the oddly glistening puddle your foot is now encapsulated by. Quickly you raise your dampened boot, leering at the otherworldly shimmer. However, that is not to last, confusion contorting your shadowed features as a scrawl forms amidst the puddle, legible as day:
Fountains is a Souls-Like Metroidvania Action RPG with gorgeous pixel graphics. It was funded by a Kickstarter in mid 2022, and both published and developed by John Pywell, releasing in December of 2024.Unfortunately, due to circumstances like the Steam Winter Sale, as well as more immediately-known titles releasing, this was an absolute diamond that was overlooked because of insanely poor timing. At the time of writing this article, it sits at Very Positive reviews. However, despite this, Fountains has received nowhere near the amount of acclaim it truly deserves. Beautiful graphics, mesmerizing music, and loads of lore, fans of Souls-Like titles will feel right at home, even in a 2D environment.Never presume safety, even when the screen may seem devoid of danger. You're likely VERY wrong.
Despite my own lack of tact in Souls-Likes at times, I found this was an insanely easy game to pick up. While there may be an adjustment period for some working on a 2D plane, that will very likely be short lived. With responsive controls that work incredibly well, (the game is best suited for use with a controller) any failure will be at your own hands- usually at your own failure to read choreographed moves and dodge accordingly. As is par for games like this, brash and reckless attacks are punished thoroughly- and at the cost of half your gold.The simple yet effective inventory screen. While you can upgrade to 3 tool slots eventually, it will likely still feel inadequate.
Abilities and passive skills work wonderfully (like being able to reflect projectile attacks back with a well timed swing), though I did feel like even with an upgraded additional equip slot, I was limited with how many options there were. Instead of requiring equips for things like the reflective attack, I feel it would have been better suited as a true passive that is simply acquired, instead of eating up an equip slot for an ability that is used consistently through the game. However, that really is a very minor qualm. Stumble across rings that allow you to cast magic and lanterns that illuminate the darkness- and even some rare drops with unique abilities when you least expect it- there are such an insane amount of options that taking a few seconds to re-equip is a very small price to pay.It may take a few attempts to nail down the boss patterns. Many have gorgeous arenas. (Please Note: No animal were harmed in this boss fight.)
But a price you will pay, should you be unprepared, is when facing one of the many bosses within the game. While some may fall in a blatant order, others may be secluded or be able to be accessed, no matter if you’re ready or equipped. Though, with the right amount of skill, you may very well have an upper hand. Most bosses have notable stages, and as is par for Souls-Like titles, heavily announced and choreographed moves. Not only that, but they also have fun (and occasionally frustrating) abilities that will challenge players- though some are more notably simple to overcome than others. Normally bosses wield items that aide and advance your ability to traverse the map, and the mechanics they use in battle tend to reflect this. While I did find myself absolutely broke from repeating a few boss battles, I found that with some learned patience the fights were very rewarding when overcome. Additionally, more often than not, while the Fountains you use as rest points (that effectively work as Bonfires in Dark Souls) are not abundant, they are generally gracious when it comes to maintaining a non-agitating distance from most bosses.Some of the most effective storytelling in Fountains requires no words.
Another aspect of the game I surprisingly fell in love with were the graphics. While I always enjoy innovative use of graphic design, I personally tend to grow weary of trends- and the use of pixel graphics was absolutely one of them. However, the choice John Pywell made to take the game from 3d to 2d was likely one of the best he could have made. Bold and bright backdrops full of trees and waterfalls teeming with gorgeous chiseled details are inviting to the eye, while at other times dark and dreary dungeons make you wary of what lies ahead. Impressively beautiful sound design draws you in: Water dripping from stalactites, echoing through the cavern ahead and the chorus of avoidant frogs as you traverse the swamp- the attention to detail is mind blowing. That, combined with a gorgeous OST composed by Travis Moberg thrusts players even farther into this gorgeous and immersive world.You will find a slew of memorable characters (for the better or worse) along your journey.
Overall, Fountains is an overwhelmingly amazing title. While not flawless, it has plenty to offer players willing to dip a toe into it’s surprisingly deep Waters. I sincerely have hope that this obscure gem will make it’s way into the spotlight, as it is insanely well deserved. The passion and heart behind the development of this project radiates from every crevice, and that translates over beautifully into the player experience. At an unbelievably reasonable price point, it’s hard to not recommend this beautiful experience: It’s one not to pass up, even if you feel you have little affinity for the genre itself. I found myself unbelievably invested, and see myself remaining as such for hours to come.
At the time of writing, Fountains is available on the Steam Marketplace for $15.99.
Shhhh...Not only can you pet the dog, the game keeps track of how MANY you have pet.