icon Author: Adrift842
Kill Knight Review

Of Blood and Flesh...

Once a loyal knight, betrayed, and banished to the Abyss. A desecrated corpse inside reanimated armor. You rise to an eternal death. Branded KILL KNIGHT, you have one purpose - KILL THE LAST ANGEL.

It doesn't get simpler than this.

You are a knight. You kill. 

Do you really need anything else?

Anything beyond the abyss is inconsequential. Your purpose is here and now.


Where many games stumble and fall, this game stands up and delivers.

Where others adorn themselves in placations and decorations, it remains unfettered.

You won't find insane graphics here, nor cosmetics, nor dull filler.

Your purpose is clear



Still not clear enough?

This game is bled from the basics, stripped from the irrelevant and condensed to the most fundamental principle of gaming.

For those that loved classic DOOM, or just arcade type classics this is beyond a doubt a formidable contender to the genre.


There was a time where mechanics and creative direction took precedence over corporate profit and marketing. (Shocking I know)

A time where you booted up your game, pressed play and that was it.

You played for a bit, then set the game down and  went on with your day. No stress, no cut corners.

This game relives that feeling, of picking up something and playing for the simplicity and satisfaction. Whether it was a wave-based game, a highscore-setter or level-based endeavour, they would stay true to the actual game component, they were fun! And that was the point.


Do you love games where you have to check in daily or lose out on some crucial component or event?

You like getting softlocked due to not paying for that special expansion or cosmetic?

Love waiting 4 years for a game that promised so much and had so much direction only for it to become a skinned cosmetic fail filled with battlepasses and other blood sucking wonders?

Then this game is not for you. 


You are betrayed, your soul damned for the good of the many.

Regardless of feeling, your purpose is clear and your blade is sharp.

Thrown into the depths, you work your way through 5 levels. 5 hells of horrors and nightmares for those of weaker steel. But not you.

You pick yourself up from the tiled ground, ready yourself and face the oncoming waves. Over and over again.

There is no simpler calling than that of a knight.

Slay the beast.

Gameplay & Performance

  That number right there, that's what I like to see.

The technical:

CPU : Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
RAM : 16 GB
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX2060(Mobile)
OS : Windows 11 Pro

Average performance: 120-240 FPS

Game File Size: 8.51 GB

As far as performance goes, I couldn't ask for more, it runs great and smooth.

Gameplay-wise, well...

Have you ever hit that golf ball just right? Swung a baseball at just that right moment?

That's what playing this game feels like.

Experiences will vary; however, if all you do is shoot from a distance then perhaps you might not get the same feedback.

But for those that dare apply themselves and utilise the varied armament that the game provides, timing your moves wisely to weave in and out of the horde, deliver devastating power attacks or counters, you will find—just as I have—that exhilarating rush of adrenaline.



If I had to describe the feeling of combat and collision in this game, it would be Metallic.

The feedback is incredible, it's titillating.

The game can be played simply, dodging and shooting. But doing so disregards most of the mechanics of the game, and is a grievous disrespect to where this game truly shines. 

If you are not willing to fail, not willing to relearn your approach, this game will become the pit that swallows you and spits you out.


I find no other way of playing outside of the highest available difficulty with only the default kit and restarting if I lose HP.

If you have played Halo exclusively on legendary difficulty and no lower, then you understand. 

Doom lovers, Halo players and Dark Souls sufferers, this is home.

Of course, the game does offer a variety of difficulties, and If you truly apply yourself on the easiest difficulty with the best weapons perhaps you can clear the game relatively quickly. The game accomodates for many playstyles.


The war of the ages...

I started my early sessions with keyboard, and found no issue at all. The game is perfectly playable and enjoyable albeit perhaps a little more mechanically complex, but it poses no barrier at all.


Belittled no longer. 

I had enough of the taunts and jeers tossed at me by the screen you see above. I relented, bought my first controller and...

Wow. This much of a difference? 

Yes, yes indeed, perhaps one of my few wise decisions this year, what a great purchase.

The game is incredible with controller, truly a completely different experience, from the hand feel and satisfaction when nailing those combos.

If you are on the fence about getting a controller, let this be the game to tip you over to the uneasy alliance between gamepad and pc.


The style is evident, hostile and crimson.

As a backdrop perhaps there could me more moments for the visuals to shine; unfortunately they're often relegated a less prominent role.

It is quite the shame considering the stunning scenes one can occasionally discern on the edges of the level or during the introductory cutscene. 

Then again, perhaps it would detract from the more pressing matter—monsters, a whole bunch of monsters. Distractions are for the foolish.


They do a great job at evoking a forsaken and desolate realm. A desperate reach into the abyss to combat the cursed destiny that befell the realm.

It remains iconic, drawing parallels to a Doom-esque or Castlevania-like interpretation of a medieval-gothic demon world and beasts.

While one may not be able to fully appreciate the envisioned architecture of this figurative hell-hole, you can still appreciate the grand variety of unique enemies and chaotic tile maps that unfold as you advance through the waves keeping combat and strategy dynamic.

The music is not a particular strong point in the game, at times you might even notice that it has been drowned out by sheer concentration.

It lacks any real characteristic or identifiable melody or composition. It's background music plain and simple.

Don't get me wrong, it sounds good! However, it lacks the punch and head banging that would make you want to listen to it on its lonesome. It's generic looping shooter music, but it fulfills its purpose.

Gula et Luxuria: Death of Victory

As if brought straight into Dante's third circle of hell, greed can often compromise your run.

It is crucial to declare, that you are never safe, never at rest.

It is defeat that brings you success, every step inching closer to the end.

To turn failure into experience, and defeat into enjoyment; that is good design.

Bad design is skilless grinding into a wall.

But this game is as hard as it is rewarding. 

There is a skill curve, and a lot—and I mean a lot—of failure ahead.

You will come to despise the leaderboard screen, your efforts belittled by an ever-cumbersome list of achievements.

Perhaps you quit for the day, perhaps you lower the difficulty.

But that moment when you inch forward ever so slightly, that is where the joy lies.

This is about what 7 hours of playtime looks like for those seeking to punish themselves with the strictest of rules. No HP loss, Knight difficulty and basic kit. 6 minutes is the evidence of the progress of my journey. Solitude is the first of 5 levels, and one I am yet to conquer. I reiterate that for those seeking an easy time, you may not find it here, but for the thrill seekers and boundary pushers you will find many many reasons to challenge this game.

I am confident in stating, that this will be a timeless game.

There's a reason pixelated and arcade games are still played to this day; they're a save point in gaming history for simpler yet styled experiences.

It's straight to the point, a wave-based slash 'em all ready to fulfill the primal urge that lies within.

Ready or not, the abyss calls to you.

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