Delicate clouds kissed a pastel blue sky. The jagged stone obelisks seemed less harsh. Softer, almost gentle. The warm sun overhead basking them in a rich golden glow, teeming with life.
It was all so beautiful…
Lush green grass kissed every nook, cranny, and crevice- it flowed like water, bubbling up from beneath metal grates, and rusty pipes.
But I still felt trapped.
Then I saw it…followed it… down…down… down into an abyss. The darkness all consuming, and unknown. The sound of wings beat in the dark.
How foolish I was then… 253 years ago…
There is… no going back.
There is no way must now find your way through.
Lorn’s Lure is a self proclaimed atmospheric “narrative” first person platformer. It features “climb anything” mechanics and throw back retro stylized graphics. While not everyone may be an immediate fan of the graphical direction, it absolutely lends to a completely unique experience. As a word of caution, this game is many things. Itis, however, a platformer, above ALL ELSE. Players looking for a fluid parkour experience will find no such thing here, and will likely be met with disappointment. This game will, however, absolutely appeal to players looking for a precision platformer, with highly rewarding challenges. Developer Rubeki Games has brought a very unique concept to the table, with some masterful execution, if you are willing to explore it’s depths.
While some players may find details lacking, in others they are beautifully dark and mesmerizing.
As previously mentioned, players looking to find anything reminiscent of a parkour style game will not find that in Lorn's Lure. Players who thrive on the thrill of hard to obtain collectibles, or who are VERY skilled at precision platformer mechanics will absolutely thrive. The controls are simple and straight forward with zero frills. Movement is easy, and the current control scheme are well suited for the type of navigational skills needed to traverse the depths of the abyss. Responsive and sharp, I personally found the controls to be quite lenient to players, especially with the auto climb when touching edges. Throughout play you are also presented with additional movement abilities, suck as Tic-Tac (A wall kick), and a grabbing hook to further increase your mobility. Landings are solid and firm, really well suited to the game direction- an overall flawless execution. Just as your eyes grow accustomed to the dark depths, you find the unexplainable.
Visually, Lorn’s Lure is entirely unique. Some players may not have the draw and appeal to the more “dated” graphical style- as it leaves much to the imagination. Lending to a vast, often seemingly desolate landscapes- some players may find it too “empty” and not visually stimulating. I think within the game context, it does well for itself- lending details where needed, allowing players to imagine the great beyond in others. There are areas that will be teeming with particular details and designs, popping against some of the more stark areas in the game. Some areas pop with unexpected life, tucked away within pipe-willed halls, a small oasis in the dark, yet just out of reach. While personally I fond it a beautiful exploration direction- others may not find themselves as enchanted, looking much to dated for personal taste.
The story folded within Lorn's Lure is told though not only visual means, but also by read entries you will find scattered throughout the world.
The music lends to a more haunting, eerie atmosphere. Itis laced with a sense of wonderment, curiosity, and void. Airy and light but heavy in its own way, the audio design pairs surprisingly well. Veiled in mystery. Droids and other characters have unique sounds- a welcome break in the regularity and tone of the otherwise even keel design. Lending to the atmosphere is a story, told by way of deduction, clues left scattered within bunkers and terminals, and through interactions with other characters. Smaller, more directional cut scenes occasionally give some additional context, but you willl earn the most through exploration.Throw-back graphics lend to some beautiful and unsettling visuals that help shape the world around you.
The game boasts some wonderful features like single key press “return” points, and not taking you back mere seconds, instead of making you play through 5minutes again just to re-attempt a missed jump. Many of the QOL features in Lorn’s Lure are based around reduction of frustration, which I feel it accomplishes quite well. The goal here is to make a game that is “tough but not FRUSTRATING”, which, I do feel it has accomplished unbelievably well. Though, I did find some aspects not as appealing. While boasting the ability to “climb almost anything”, you will, CONSTANTLY find more things you can’t climb rather than things than you can. This was probably the single most infuriating thing I felt I was constantly dealing with. Some players may also find themselves constantly lost, to being stuck in a situation where “That can’t possibly be the solution.”, only to find out that was, in fact, what you needed to do. Given enough time, however, most players will find a way to logic themselves out of any corners, though you will most likely have a slew of failed jumps in the process.Climbing DOWN is only half the battle. The true challenge begins when you need to make your way back UP.
Overall Lorn’s Lure, while not perfect, presents a fun new spin on precision platforming. Straight forward controls lend to an insane ease-of-use that both novice and experienced players will absolutely appreciate. The music and sound direction are fitting, lending to the air of mystery that is already set in place by an odd, cryptic story that you are left to unfold. While not a game for everyone, Lorn’s Lure is sure to attract enthusiasts and speed runners alike, and possibly open the door for afresh new gaming experience to players just starting out.
Lorn’s Lure is available on Steam.