icon Author: MinxItUp
Computer Repair Shop Review

Do you enjoy fixing computers? Do you also enjoy ripping people off, hacking, and creating viruses? I have the game for you…kinda…

While I do like the concept of Computer Repair Shop, it could definitely use some work. It’s both horrible and comical in several ways. The graphics leave me wishing they had tried a bit harder, and moving around makes me want to vomit at times, throat chop someone at others, and at really special times, both. This is even after trying to adjust the sensitivity, so good luck, and let me know if you find something that works. That said, this is an inexpensive game that allows you to do things you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do, or at least I hope you wouldn’t. Like GTA, but for computers, you get to decide how bad of a guy you want to be.

So, when you first start, you rent out this little computer shop that is supposed to be ready for you. You get there, and some squatters are hanging out, so you go to get some buff guy to help you out. Of course, that doesn’t go well, so you grab a bat and beat them yourself. Then you gotta start cleaning up and getting clients. This was one of those times when the movement got on my nerves. You have a push broom, and it can be a bit awkward to use, but I suppose profanity and body parts on the walls aren’t for everyone I suppose.

The controls are your basic WASD for movement, with directions for different options popping up on the screen. You have a tablet that you can access to get some help diagnosing problems and buying parts, and then in the shop you have a few different workstations for doing things. A monitor for hooking up the computer you are working on, a setup for diagnosing and repairing parts within the computers, and then where you put in the price for the repairs and get it boxed up for the customer. You also get a tool for cleaning computers, and a flash drive for installing apps, generating codes, or creating viruses. I do wish that you could access some kind of checklist for repairs like it did at the beginning when you went through the tutorial. As is, you just have to do what you think needs to be done based on a sticky note that is one the side of the computer and hope for the best.

Repair Request...?

While the main chunk of the game is literally repairing, or “repairing”, computers, there are some other things that you can do as well. There are a few other places that you can go, such as the cat shop, the club, the Sellerman, and you can also do Robo Fights. If you go to the club, you can play Blackjack to try to earn some money quickly. The nice thing is, if you lose all of your money, you can just quit and load back in to try again since the only time the game saves is when you sleep. You can also have the nice gentleman at the club hook you up with a VR dance if that is your thing.

There are a lot of good ideas and creativity that went into the game, and it does have the potential to be quite entertaining. I only wish that more effort had gone into the quality and playability of the game itself. For instance, it is really dark and sometimes it is difficult to see where you are going. Also, the people will block your way, so it might be nice to be able to walk through them. This can be especially annoying when you are getting tired and need to get back to your room before you pass out and get robbed. Haha!

There is also a backroom to teleport to where you can do some other things, I did not go into this area, but apparently, there are monsters there that you can take pictures of as well.

Backroom Teleporter

If you have the patience to deal with some of the more technical downsides of this game, I’d say give it a try purely for some entertainment or as a time killer. There are definitely more sides to the game to explore than I have gone over here. I personally give this game an official “meh”.

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