What is Road to Guangdong? Do you like driving? do you like story? Do you like repairing and filling up your old car?

The Story: The story is about you driving to long lost relatives getting recipes for the restaurant you get in inherited in ba ba will while going on long drives to ask if they are ok with you taking the restaurant over and the restaurant is not in the best state.

What is Road to Guangdong but more in depth? Road to Guangdong is a indie driving simulator which main focus is story and driving to destinations while driving with Guu Ma who will pretty much tell you what to do and is basically your car telling you there is something wrong and when you need petrol.

The Graphics of Road To Guangdong: The graphics are simple 3D graphics with good lighting to make them that much better.

The Mechanics: Road to Guangdong has not much going for it apart from just driving and reading dialogue you can go to mechanics and get scrap for you car that maybe better quality and last longer or even fuel and petrol as you car will be chewing through petrol like there is no tomorrow meaning you have to pull over and refill it every 9 or so mins and some journeys can feel like they take forever and I never knew how far I was as there is no map. There is a lot of dialogue to go though so if you don’t mind reading you will like it sometimes you can get a option to ask another question like notice someone is nervous and talk to them about it and get into that dialogue but after that its go on a drive that feel like forever.
Great soundtrack.
Great graphics.
Easy to pick up.
Love the Asian theme.
Driving gets very boring.
The story I get bit lost with some of the characters.
I hate how quick the car just goes though fuel.
Never know when you get to your destination or how far it is.
Driving feels very slow and mushy.
If you into games like jalopy then you may like this as its set in china but if you can handle how boring and uninteresting some of the characters are then you may like it, but for me I got bored to quick and the story never hooked me, so if this interest you then check it on -> Steam.
Developer: Just Add Oil Games
Publisher: Excalibur Games